....and all that jazZ

Friday, August 27, 2010

The story of your birth

Days are flying by in a blur. Its exactly 4 weeks today. It seems like so long ago when we waited anxiously for you to come into our world. EDD came and went. We all geared up for the induction scheduled wednesday night. On Tuesday my phone died on me. I did not get the message from the hospital on Wednesday Am that they were overworked and the induction would have to be scheduled for later that night. Appa went to work as usual and came back just in time to pick us up for the 7pm schedule. I was excited all day. Almost there. Almost there. Bags packed, we showed up at the hospital who decided to squeeze us in at

8:30 pm 28th July:
2 idlis later I changed into the hospital gown and settled into the bed. The cervidal insertion was uncomfortable as hell and not to mention painful. Patti probably protested louder than I did. She settled into a corner recliner chair with "Parthiban Kanavu" in hand and covered with all the warm things she could find, refusing to accept that the room was already warm and that she was just panicking. Appa settled into another recliner next to the bed and we made it slowly through the night.

am 29th July :
Unevenly spaced cramps/contractions began in the night. When Dr.T checked me next morning, there was little progress in the dilation and effacement. She deftly broke my water, left a note for a nurse (They were so busy that we saw a different nurse every hour until finally L got called from home to assist with my delivery and came like a godsend) asking to start me on pitocin.

11:30 am 29th July :
Appa and I started discussing with her the ifs and buts of epidural and pitocin. There was never a doubt in Appas mind that i should take epidural at the first sign of pain. Me, who had read a book on Hypnobirthing and discarded the idea for lack of belief that i could pull it off, was busy bouncing on my birthing ball coping with the cramps and contractions that were taking me no where and sapping my energy. I was 80 % effaced and 4 cms dilated for a few hours now. L explained that she would go check on the schedule for the anaesthetist ( it would take him a while to get to me since teh hospital was so busy) and come back to see what we have decided about the Pitocin since i wanted to see if I could do without it. Her advise was to take the pitocin if I was going to to take the epidural. Good advise. I was already exhausted from all the bouncing. I still asked her to check if there was any progress in a couple of hours and if there was none, I would take the pitocin.

2:30 pm 29th July :
I was on epidural and pitocin and ready to sleep a bit for the first time in 24 hours. I had a wonderful, extremely informative discussion on epidural and its impact on labor with my nurse and the Anaesthesist. They were most patient and so obligingly answered all my questions and set my mind at ease. It turned out the standard dose worked well for me. I was numb to pain, but had some sensation in my legs. I could turn in the bed from side to side with minimum or no assistance, something they had me do to get you to descend.

5:30 pm 29th July:
I had slept some. But the labor was not going as planned. Your heartrate was not quite stable, contractions were regular but not strong enough to pull your head down that was still at a -1 station. Dilation was a measly 6cm. Dr T was not happy. L had extended her shift to 7 pm to help see me through the labor. But things were looking bleak from where I lay. Appa and I kept wondering when someone is going to mention the C-section option. All we heard from everyone though was "Hang in there, its almost time."

7:30 pm 29th July:
After varying doses of Pitocin, I now had an oxygen mask to help stabilize your heartrate and Appa and I started taking bets on if it was going to go into 30th July. Patti was still shivering and feverishly plowing through her book. I must mention that I had taken a book ( 3 Men in a Boat) with me and after I took the epidural I read it for while before i took a nap. I had laughed so hard that I slept in extremely high spirits. It did help me get my mind off teh labor and relax. You had by now descended into the pelvis but I was still only 7 cm dilated.

9:30 pm 29th July :
I started feeling immense pressure. I called for S our awesome night nurse, who on coming in asked me first if it was a boy. When I confirmed that she said " Oh i have fanstastic luck with baby boys ! :)". She checked me and announced " 9.5cms !! We will start the practice pushes when I get back" and left to make some arrangements.

11:00 pm 29th July :
I think you will come just after midnight. The urge to push is strong. Patti has now switched to reading Vishnu Sahasranamam while S and Appa hold either leg urging me to push while they count. I am suprisingly level headed even though I can feel every contraction come and go despite the epidural. Dr.T walk in soon enough. Appa proudly announces " He has hair !". S asks me if I want to feel your head. I refuse. Its becomign harder and harder with each push. The doctor and nurses pour oil and massage to coax you out slowly. I can feel you pushing, wanting to come out. It is like I am on fire. I pull off teh oxygen mask and throw it aside. A couple of pushing later, the burning sensation intensifies and I fall back on the bed saying "I can't do this."

11:44 pm 29th July :
Dr T says, just one more. Make it your best. I go for it. Patti has joined the circle and is praying harder than ever. The next thing I remember is you sliding out pulled by Dr T and I fall back in a daze. I hear you and before I know it I feel you on me. I look at you and it is the happiest moment ever. I hear S announce time for birth to Patti who dutifully notes it down for Chitappa Tatha.

How do I describe that moment. It was a huge heady rush. Something Appa and I had waited for soo long. Our whole family was waiting for you little Mowgli with bated breath.Our whole world froze for a second. No, I did not cry. No one did. We just could not stop smiling. You were everything we wanted ever. We were all on a high. We still are.

Kollu Patti watched from the skies above and smiled. All your chitthis and pattis and tathas and mamas gave out a big Hurrah ! Welcome to our mad mad world baby !

Tuesday, August 03, 2010


From the Sanskrit word "Akasha" that means Aether or Cosmic energy. The one that combines Earth, Water, Wind and Fire to sustain life.

Akash - The force that now makes my world go around - That gives my life a whole new meaning and purpose.

Thank you Akash for this privilege of being "Amma".