Some space to call my own. A Place I call my own.
Sometimes I wonder. Where my own space is? My own time is? My days so full of things to do, I yearn for a moment of solitude. Of doing nothing. For one afternoon of doing nothing. Its two months into the year already and time is flying past me. All I want to do is reach out and grab one moment just for myself.
Its amazing how easy it can be to take someones world and merge it with your own. To make their dreams your own. Their life your own. I would be lying if I said I didnt love every bit of it. It's hard to keep alive the space that is your own. That is filled with colours that you are made of and you alone. Stay,nevertheless, it must.
I have just finished cleaning up my kitchen. Been a while since I plonked on my couch with a bowl of cereal and TV for company. Cannot be staple diet, but I do get the cravings.
On the same note, I went to chk out an apt today. Apt hunting is something I have never really done in my life in the US so far. As a student, housing was never a matter of choice. It was always affordability that dictated the terms. Plus on campus it was limited there were not really very many options. In Seattle again I stayed in Intern- housing. When i moved to SD into this lovely apt that I currently live in, it was found for me by my Reloc help. She know someone looking for a roommate and recommended I stay here for a while till i found a place I liked. I ended up living here for 3.5 years :)
So why the move now? It is something I have been contemplating for a while. Rents being the way they are in SD it was never an easy decision.Plus I have always lived with people around me. So much that I have always had a mortal fear of loneliness. A fear that the silences of a empty home will take over my emotions. But I feel ready to take on those fears. It is about time I lived by myself for myself and discovered myself. Find a few more hours in a day that I could fill with colours and sounds and scents that are just my own.
Anyways, I knew what I was looking for. And sometimes empty spaces say a lot to you. They welcome you with open arms. The apt I saw today put a smile on my face. I have found it. A place to call my own.
On a totally different note, I am certified to teach Step aerobics. Phase I complete.
Phase II target. Audition to actually teach a class with 24hour Fit. :) **fingers crossed**
Its amazing how easy it can be to take someones world and merge it with your own. To make their dreams your own. Their life your own. I would be lying if I said I didnt love every bit of it. It's hard to keep alive the space that is your own. That is filled with colours that you are made of and you alone. Stay,nevertheless, it must.
I have just finished cleaning up my kitchen. Been a while since I plonked on my couch with a bowl of cereal and TV for company. Cannot be staple diet, but I do get the cravings.
On the same note, I went to chk out an apt today. Apt hunting is something I have never really done in my life in the US so far. As a student, housing was never a matter of choice. It was always affordability that dictated the terms. Plus on campus it was limited there were not really very many options. In Seattle again I stayed in Intern- housing. When i moved to SD into this lovely apt that I currently live in, it was found for me by my Reloc help. She know someone looking for a roommate and recommended I stay here for a while till i found a place I liked. I ended up living here for 3.5 years :)
So why the move now? It is something I have been contemplating for a while. Rents being the way they are in SD it was never an easy decision.Plus I have always lived with people around me. So much that I have always had a mortal fear of loneliness. A fear that the silences of a empty home will take over my emotions. But I feel ready to take on those fears. It is about time I lived by myself for myself and discovered myself. Find a few more hours in a day that I could fill with colours and sounds and scents that are just my own.
Anyways, I knew what I was looking for. And sometimes empty spaces say a lot to you. They welcome you with open arms. The apt I saw today put a smile on my face. I have found it. A place to call my own.
On a totally different note, I am certified to teach Step aerobics. Phase I complete.
Phase II target. Audition to actually teach a class with 24hour Fit. :) **fingers crossed**
Back after a while. Good to know you are going places, literally :-) Hey, teaching step aerobics. That's impressive
Parth, at 11:14 AM
Buy dont Rent !!
but then in SD u would have no pennies left for all the little things to enjoy ;)
Ashish Amresh, at 2:16 PM
Good stuff!! best of luck with the apartment search.
Anonymous, at 10:53 AM
Hi raagini
Its me suhasini again. I ve been reading your blogs on and off really inspires me to write:) Just a note on you becoming acertified step aerobics instructor. Can you guide me too . I live in stamford connecticut and looking to become a certified aerobics instructor. Any tips greatly appreciated. Cheers:)
Anonymous, at 6:21 PM
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