....and all that jazZ

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Of great writing ....

Very few books have the power to hold you gripping on to it for every word. Have to stopping and pausing to think. To evaluate whether you just understood what you read. To make you re-read passages. Have you empathise love and laugh at the characters. And weep with them because you understand their pain. Have you put it down for a while because you want to think about the character's thoughts. Argue his ideology with your own. Map on how you feel about certain situations.

Very few writers can write up a character with emotional depth as deep as any living soul. They give a part of themselves to it. They become the character. They understand his every thought his feeling and action and reactions. They create a life out of nothing. The words start to breathe when you read with even half the passion that the book was written. You become part of another world. Somewhere deep in that world are problems and joys and sorrows and thoughts and dilemmas that have been your own at some base level. And then the book is yours and just about you.

Just finished reading Of Human Bondage by Saumerset Maugham. Needless to say it is one hell of a book. I loved every written word. Some books are just so great that make every word that you write after reading it seem garish, pretentious and worst of all mediocre. So I will say nothing more.


  • I guess you have a really good taste. Please read my latest story and enlighten me with your feedback on it.


    Originally @ Apr 02, 2005 04:24 PST

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:06 PM  

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